Learning. Experience. Opportunity. Cooperation.

For 2025 ACO will be held at the Waukegan Fieldhouse, in the Chicagoland suburb of Waukegan IL. This camp is in conjunction with the National Summer Classic for 10th and 11th/12th Boys. Officials will be instructed using 3-person CCA Women’s Basketball Officiating Mechanics and NCAA Women’s Rules. Training will include classroom time on various subjects and on-court evaluation.


  • GAMES: Waukegan Fieldhouse
    800 Baldwin Ave.
    Waukegan, IL 60085

    HOTEL: Hotel Gurnee
    You must call them directly to receive the block rate.

    Call 8473366300 and hit zero, Mention All Collegiate Officials 2025

  • The 101:

    Friday from 9:00am to 11:00am at the Waukegan Field House.

    Session One: 

    Session One begins with our opening meeting Friday, July 25th at 11:30am through
    Saturday, July 26th 4:00pm. Games will start Friday afternoon.

    Session Two: 

    Session Two begins on Saturday, July 26th at 9:00am with our opening meeting and
    ends around 6:00pm on Sunday, July 27th. Games will begin Saturday around 4:00pm. 

  • To ensure your personal information remains safe and secure we will be sending rosters out in the confirmation email and will not be available for download from the website. Remember the information you are provided by ACO may not be forwarded or sent to anyone outside of ACO 2025.

  • Game Coverage:

    If you are injured or sick BEFORE CAMP please contact Jenn & Randy. WHILE AT CAMP, please contact Rachel with all game information and replacements. Remember, if you are not able to make your scheduled games it is your responsibility to find a replacement AND to let Rachel know immediately. Rachel's contact information will be given out at the opening meeting.

    Game Arrival:

    Be on court at least 15 minutes before scheduled start time for a pre-game. 

    Officials' Uniform:

    Full game uniform (minus jacket) is required.  If you do not have a women's college shirt, do not fret. Wear what you have, proudly. 

    Clinicians while on court: 

    These individuals are dedicating their time and energy to everyone. Please be respectful to those officials that are being observed and keep conversations with clinicians to a minimum- be an active but noninvasive spectator. 

    Be a community of like-minded supporters. 

    Be respectful to your fellow officials by speaking only positive and supportive words. 

  • Will be released when available.